Rambling Yogi

Resources to enrich your mind, body and soul

The Dali Lama – How I start my day

I believe a good morning is the beginning of a good day.  If we wake up in the morning and are happy, even if we face small irritants, we can cope with them.

If we wake up in a bad mood or are unhappy, even the smallest problem will make us angry.  Mental attitude is very important.

So, train your mind through meditation, and let your mornings be the best time to bring peace into your lives. We must remain in the ‘thoughtlessness’ zone if we want to be calm. Focus on how to create a happy life.

Ask yourself every morning, if you wish to live a meaningful life or a frivolous one. Don’t think about the past or future. Every moment is an opportunity to create a life with peace and compassion.

We need hygiene of emotions. Reach out to others, it will make you self confident and give you inner strength. When we show concern, we will be able to win people’s trust, and this trust creates friendship of a lifetime. It helps us develop inner peace, we create peaceful families, peaceful cities and peaceful societies. Doing things for others will reduce your stress and give you good physical health.

Try not to bring conflict in your morning and your day. If there is conflict in your relationships, try to resolve it with a dialogue. Talk. Don’t distance yourself from people and create barriers; living a self-centred life leads to stress and anxiety. Live simply. Some days will be difficult and some easy, but if you spend your days with purpose, you will be mentally satisfied.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama, SPIRITUAL LEADER

Article from The times of india


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